Hounaida El Jurdi is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Adnan Kassar School of Business. She holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Auckland- New Zealand, an MBA and a BBA from the American University of Beirut. Hounaida was an assistant professor of marketing at AUB where she taught Customer Experience Design, Principles of Marketing, Marketing for Social Change, Consumer Behavior at the undergraduate level and Advertising and Brand Management at the graduate level. Her research interests are focused on consumer culture in non-western contexts using critical theoretical lens, with a specific focus on consumer identity, the body, and the politics of representation. In terms of methodology, my approach is mainly interpretive and encompasses ethnographic research, historical research, hermeneutic analysis, and action research. Her research is interdisciplinary in terms of theoretical grounding with a strong emphasis on transformative approaches focusing on ethical implications of marketplace practices and topics with social impact. Her work has appeared in Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Qualitative Market Research and Journal of Marketing Management.
Teaching Interests
- Customer Experience Design
- Consumer Behaviour
- Strategic Brand Management
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Marketing for Social Change
Research Interests
- Social movements and gender justice
- Consumer culture in non-western contexts
- Feminist ethics and the politics of representation
- Gender and Transformative consumer research
Articles in Academic and Trade Journals
El Jurdi, H., Baktir, Z., & Price, L.L. (2025). Resourcing hope: refugee agentive consumption acts in protracted displacement. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 44(1), 43-60.
Ourahmoune, N. & El Jurdi, H. (2024). The march for gender equality of Algerian women: The struggle for spatial and historical recognition. Gender, Work & Organization, 31(3), 1012-1030.
Moufahim, M., Rodner, V., & El Jurdi, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Sacred journeys: moving in, out and around sacred spaces. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 26(2), 61-67.
Moufahim, M., Rodner, V., El Jurdi, H., Appau, S., Belk, R., & Rinallo, D. (2023). Researching the sacred: a conversation with Samuelson Appau, Russ Belk and Diego Rinallo. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 26(2), 173-182.
El Jurdi, H., Moufahim, M., & Dekel, O. (2022). “They said we ruined the character and our religion”: authenticity and legitimation of hijab cosplay. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 25(1), 43-59.
Ourahmoune, N., & El Jurdi, H. (2021). Beauty salon-a marketplace icon. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24(6), 611-619.
El Jurdi, H. & Houjeir, R. (2020). Cultural norms and the marketplace: favor economies in the Arab world. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(2), 226-235.
El Jurdi, H. & Smith, S. (2018). Mirror, mirror: national identity and the pursuit of beauty. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 35(1), 40-50.
El Jurdi, H., Batat, W., & Jafari, A. (2017). Harnessing the power of religion: Broadening sustainability research and practice in the advancement of ecology. Journal of Macromarketing, 37(1), 7-24.
Chapters in a book
Ourahmoune, N. & El Jurdi, H. (2022). Marketing and the missing feminisms: Decolonial feminism, and the Arab Spring. In The Routledge companion to marketing and feminism (pp. 257-267). Routledg.
Cova, B., Cova, V., & El Jurdi, H. (2017). Ethnographies of a Mediterranean vestaval: the passeggiata. In Contemporary consumer culture theory (pp. 130-151). Routledge.
El Jurdi, H., Ourahmoune, N., & Askegaard, S. (2016, August). Beauty and the Social Imaginary: A Social Historical Analysis of the Lebanese Techno-cosmetized Beauty Market. In Consumer Cuture Theory Conference.