Faculty and Staff

Dr. Hussein Ismail

Ext. 1581
AKSOB 1602
LAU Beirut 


Hussein Ismail is an associate professor of management. He holds a PhD in Human Resource Management from the University of Manchester, and an MA in Strategic Management from the University of Nottingham. He has many years of teaching experience in HRM and strategy at both undergraduate and graduate levels. His priority has always been focused on delivering effective student learning and interesting classes. Hussein Ismail has also served as a business consultant and a media professional and is involved in the field of start-up advice. His research interests are focused around human resource management, entrepreneurship, and organizational psychology.

Teaching Interests

Research Interests


“Employees Business Ethics: The Case of Lebanon.” - PRME Conference, USEK University, Kaslik, Lebanon  (2012) 

“Training, commitment, and turnover: What is the relationship?” Riverside University, California (2015)

Selected Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals:


H Ismail, M El Irani, KS Kertechian (2022). Green HRM and nongreen outcomes: the mediating role of visionary leadership in Asia, International Journal of Manpower 43 (3), 660-681  https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-04-2020-0162

Ismail, H., Iqbal, A., and Nasr, L. (in press). Employee engagement and job performance in Lebanon: The mediating role of creativity”.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, forthcoming (Published by Emerald).

Ismail, H., Karkoulian, S., Kertechian, S. (in press). Which personal values matter most? job performance and job satisfaction across job categories. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(5), forthcoming (Published by Emerald)

Ismail, H. and Rishani, M. (in press). The relationships among performance appraisal satisfaction, career development and creative behavior, Journal of Developing Areas, 52(3), forthcoming (Published by Tennessee State University)

Ismail, H. & Gali, N. (in press). Relationships among performance appraisal satisfaction, work-family conflict, and job stress. Journal of Management & Organization.

Ismail, H. (2016).Training and Turnover: The Mediating Role of Commitment. Australian Bulletin of Labour. National Institute of Labour Studies/Australia.

Ismail, H. (2016).Training and organizational commitment: exploring the moderating role of goal orientation in the Lebanese contextHuman Resource Development International, 19(2), 152-177. 

Ismail, H. (2016). Preferences in Business and Corporate Strategies: The Role of Personal ValuesContemporary Management Research, 12(1), 25-46. 

Ismail, H. (2015). Gender differences in personal values: A business perspective. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 25(4), 687-698. 

Rishani, M., Mallah, M., Houssami, S. & Ismail, H. (2015). Lebanese Perceptions of the Glass Ceiling. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 34(8), 678-691. 

Ismail, H. & Naccache, L. (2015). Experiencing human resource management policies in Lebanese Firms. Global Business Review, 16(6) 

Ismail, H. & Naccache, L. (2014). Extrinsic and intrinsic job factors: motivation and satisfaction in a developing Arab country – the case of Lebanon. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 19(1), 66-82. 

Ismail, H. & Karkoulian, S. (2013). Interviewers’ characteristics and post-hire attitudes and performanceContemporary Management Research, 9(4), 441-462. 

Ismail, H. & Naccache, L. (2013). Supervisors’ characteristics during orientation: development of a scale. The Business Review, Cambridge, 21(1).

Ismail, H. (2013). Exploring employee involvement in hotels in Lebanon: A case study. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 14(2), 62-75. 

Ismail, H. (2012). Corporate performance: Identifying a control variable for HR – attitude studies. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 12(1), 69-78. 

In Refereed Conferences:

Ismail, H. (2011, July). Employee Involvement in the Middle East. Paper presented at University of Cambridge Research Meeting, Cambridge, UK.