Faculty and Staff
Photo of Dr. Lina Maddah

Dr. Lina Maddah

Lina Maddah is an adjunct assistant professor of economics at the Lebanese American University and a senior economic researcher at the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS). Dr. Maddah was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to pursue her Ph.D. in Economics at Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain. Prior to joining LAU, Lina was a visiting scholar at the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. She also completed a visiting research stay at the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Venice-Italy.  Her fields of specialization are urban and regional economics, spatial economic analysis, firm dynamics, cultural and creative industries, and local entrepreneurship ecosystems. Her current economics research work at LCPS investigates the economic crisis, its implications on several economic sectors, areas of opportunities, and rural entrepreneurship in Lebanon.


Maddah, L., Arauzo-Carod, J.M., & López, F. (2023) Detection of geographical clustering: cultural and creative industries in Barcelona, European Planning Studies, 31:3, 554-575, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.2020218

Working Papers

Maddah, L. and Arauzo Carod, J.M.(2023) Cultural and Creative Industries and Employment Growth: A Rural vs. Urban Divide. Under review.

Maddah, L. and Arauzo-Carod, J.M. (2023) Clusters of Cultural and Creative Industries: Any Role in Location Decisions of Firms?

Zeaiter, H., Maddah, L., and Sherry, H. (2023) Economic and Political Determinants of Sovereign Default and IMF Credit Use: A Robustness Analysis in the Post-2010 Landscape.

Policy publications

Lebanon’s Economic Crisis by Sector: Challenges and Opportunities in Manufacturing, (with Bacel Maddah and Nadim Gharios), Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Brief, March 2023.

Manufacturing in Crisis: How Can the Sector Survive? (with Bacel Maddah), Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, April 2023.

Lebanon’s Economic Crisis by Sector: The Knowledge Economy Loses Its Balance, (with Bassel Akar), Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Brief, January 2023.

Local Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Survival of Rural Economies, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Brief, October 2022.

Struggling on the Margins: Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, July 2022.

Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas: A Framework for Local Economic Development in Lebanon, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, May 2022

The Impact of Multiple Crises on Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Lebanon’s Rural Areas-Fnaidek, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Report, February 2022.

The Impact of Multiple Crises on Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Lebanon’s Rural Areas- Hidab, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Report, January 2022.

The Impact of Multiple Crises on Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurs in Lebanon’s Rural Areas- Rashayya, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, Policy Report, December 2021.

Foreign Labour Market Planning in Lebanon, Legal Agenda, Policy Report, (forthcoming).