Dr. Manal Yunis
Associate professor and the chairperson of the Information Technology and Operations Management department
Ext. 1143
Orme-Gray 525
LAU Beirut
Manal M. Yunis is an associate professor and the chairperson of the Information Technology and Operations Management department at the Adnan Kassar School of Business. She holds a PhD in Business Administration with a concentration in Computer Information Systems from the University of Texas-Pan American, an MBA and a BS in MIS from LAU Adnan Kassar School of Business. She is a member of the Association of Information Systems (AIS), Decision Sciences Institute and AIS Special Interest Groups.
She has several peer-refereed journal and conference publications, and is the recipient of many best paper awards from conferences and publishing groups.
In teaching, she believes that student engagement should be used as a strategic process to help forward creative thinking and effective learning. She also believes that her research should revolve around two focal points: (1) to enhance corporate (or institutional) excellence through optimal implementation and use of information systems; and (2) to enhance the information systems curriculum and academic excellence through the integration of what could be inferred from research into classroom discussion and curriculum development.
She is currently working on three research projects related to cyber security, cloud computing and e-government. These involve intellectual collaborations with professors from the University of Texas-Pan American (Texas, USA) and from Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong.
Teaching Interests
- Technology Management
- Management Information Systems
- Computer Information Systems
- E-Commerce and E-Business Management
- Database Management Systems
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Research Methods
- Human Resource Development
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Planning and Policy Formulation
Research Interests
- Information and Cyber Security
- Global Information Technology Management
- Cloud computing
- E-government
- Adoption and Diffusion of Emerging Technologies
Selected Publications
Articles in Refereed Journals:
Manal Yunis, Abdul-Nasser Kassar, Tala Jamil Nassar (2021) Towards a Conceptual Framework for Design and Functionality of Websites and Smart Device Apps for Startups in Lebanon: Impact on Customer Journey. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 - 8, 2021 (Scopus-Indexed). https://www.ieomsociety.org/brazil2020/papers/598.pdf
Manal Yunis, Raed El-Khalil and Miray Ghanem (2021) The Importance of Privacy and Security Concerns in Audit Data Analytics: A Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5 - 8, 2021 (Scopus-Indexed). https://www.ieomsociety.org/brazil2020/papers/599.pdf
Yunis, M., Tarhini, A., & Kassar, A. (2018). The role of ICT and innovation in enhancing organizational performance: The catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 88, 344-356.
Tarhini, A., Yunis, M., & El-Kassar, A. N. (2018). Innovative sustainable methodology for managing in-house software development in SMEs. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(3), 1085-1103.
Yunis, M. (in press). Security and Privacy Concerns in Cloud Computing Usage: An Empirical Investigation of User Perspectives. Information and Management.
Yunis, M., Hughes, J. & Roge, J. (in press).Time-Critical Effects of Virtualized Environments on Information Security: The Need for Dynamic Security. Journal of Information Systems Security.
Yunis, M., Koong, K. & Sun, J. (in press). Determinants of Global E-Government Readiness and E-Participation. Journal of Computer Information Systems.
Yunis, M. Jung, J., & Chen, S. (2013). TQM, Strategy Choice, and Performance: A Firm-Level Empirical Investigation. International. Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 30(6), 690-714 [Recipient of the 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Award for Excellence].
Yunis, M., Koong, K., Liu, L., Kwan, R., & Tsang, P. (2012). ICT Maturity as a Driver to Global Competitiveness: A Cross-Country Level Analysis.International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 20(3), 255-281.
Yunis, M., (2010). A ‘cloud-free’ security model for cloud computing. International Journal of Services and Standards, 5 (4), 354-375.
Yunis, M. & Koong, K. (2009). Development and assessment of ICT Maturity and Global Competitiveness Using a Two-Wheel Causality Model. International Journal of Services and Standards, 5(2), 135-159.
Yunis, M., Hughes, J., & Roge, J. (2008). Real Security in Virtual Systems: A Proposed Model for a Comprehensive Approach to Securing Virtualized Environments.Issues in information systems, IX(2), 385-395.