Ms. Baalbaki holds an MBA with a concentration in Marketing from the American University of Beirut and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Balamand. She boasts extensive teaching experience, having graced the classrooms of various universities like the American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, and Haigazian University. Beyond academia, Ms. Baalbaki serves as a consultant, holding the position of Marketing and Social Media Retained Consultant at Live’ly LLC, UAE. She also brings her expertise to Right Service, a pioneer in Middle Eastern digital marketing, as a Professional Board Consultant since June 2020.
Teaching Interests:
- Introduction to Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Brand Management
- Digital and Social Media Marketing
Executive Training
Offered two basic marketing skills MBA workshops at LAU’s Continuing Educational Program for Nextcare, and for five other leading insurance companies that deal with them, during June 2012.
Consulting Activities
- Al Bissar Hospital, Tripoli, Lebanon - Marketing Consultant
- Concierge Xpress/Platinum Key, Lebanon-Marketing Consultant
- Martpoint, Beirut, Lebanon-Marketing Research Consultant
Articles in Academic and Trade Journals:
- Baalbaki, I. & Moukaddem, A. (2000). An Empirical Investigation into the Effect Brand Name on Taste Perceptions. Journal of the Academy of Business Administration, 5(2).
Articles in Conferences:
- Baalbaki, I., Malhotra, N. & Moukaddem, A. (2013, January). A Missing LINC? case study accepted at the Academy of International Business (AIB) MENA Chapter Conference, Cairo.
- Baalbaki, I., Moukaddem, A. & Maatouk, Y. (2012, March). Atmospheric Effects on Shopping Behavior: The effect of Odor Intensity on Consumer Perceptions, Evaluation and Behavior. Paper accepted at the 9th annual World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancements (AGBA), UAE, 9(1) ISSN 1549 - 9332.
- Baalbaki, I., Yazbeck, M. & Moukaddem, A. (Eds.) (2009). Private Labels in Lebanon: An Empirical Assessment. Proceedings of the International Academy of Management and Business Conference, New Orleans, Lousiana.
- Baalbaki, I., Safa, O. & Moukaddem, A (Eds.) (2007). SMS News Alerts: Assessment of Alternate Subscription Models. Proceedings of the 2007 International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA 8th Conference), Dublin, Ireland.