Faculty Publications
Assaker, G. (2024). Does awareness of SDGs influence tourists’ behavior? An examination of the determinants of sustainable travel behavior considering the UN2030 Agenda. Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality. In press
Assaker, G. (2024). Sustainability concerns on pro-sustainable travel behavior: combining the United Nations SDGs, norm activation model and value theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. In press
Assaker, G., & O’Connor, P. (2023). Using PLS-SEM to test for the moderation effects of continuous variables in hospitality and tourism studies. Cutting edge research methods in hospitality and tourism, 29-51.
Castro, D., Kim, S., & Assaker, G. (2023). An empirical examination of the antecedents of Residents’ support for future film tourism development. Tourism Management Perspectives, 45, 101067.
Assaker, G., & O’Connor, P. (2023). The importance of green certification labels/badges in online hotel booking choice: A conjoint investigation of consumers’ preferences pre-and post-COVID-19. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 64(4), 401-414.
Assaker, G., & O’Connor, P. (2023). Hotel Guests’ Revisit Intentions Post-Covid-19: Reexamining the Role of Service Quality, CSR, and Reputation While Accounting for Guests’ Trepidation. Tourism Analysis, 28(3), 455-467.
Raad, J., Sharma, A., & Nicolau, J. L. (2023). Performance effects of innovation in two-sided markets: The paradigmatic case of Otas. Tourism management, 94, 104637.
Raad, J. E. (2023). The Journey from Supplier to End Customer: Exploring the Dynamics of Supply Chain and Distribution Channels in the Hospitality Industry (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University).
Armache, J., Ladki, S., & Armache, G. D. (2022). The rise of remote work and its implications on US organizations and boards of directors. Corp. Ownersh. Control, 20(1), 176-184.
Assaker, G., O’Connor, P., & El-Haddad, R. (2020). Examining an integrated model of green image, perceived quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in upscale hotels. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(8), 934-955.
Itani, O. S., El Haddad, R., & Kalra, A. (2020). Exploring the role of extrovert-introvert customers’ personality prototype as a driver of customer engagement: does relationship duration matter?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 101980.
Assaker, G. (2020). Age and gender differences in online travel reviews and user-generated-content (UGC) adoption: extending the technology acceptance model (TAM) with credibility theory. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(4), 428-449.
Ladki, S., Abimanyu, A., & Kesserwan, L. (2020). The Rise of a New Tourism Dawn in the Middle East. Journal of Service Science and Management, 13(4), 637-648.
Armache, J., Ladki, S., & Armache, G. D. (2022). The rise of remote work and its implications on US organizations and boards of directors. Corp. Ownersh. Control, 20(1), 176-184.
El Haddad, R. (2019). Exploring service quality of low cost airlines. Services Marketing Quarterly, 40(4), 301-315.
El Haddad, R., Karkoulian, S., & Nehme, R. (2019). The impact of 360 feedback appraisal system on organizational justice and sustainability: The mediating roles of gender and managerial levels. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(3), 712-728.
Hallak, R., Assaker, G., & El-Haddad, R. (2018). Re-examining the relationships among perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and destination loyalty: A higher-order structural model. Journal of vacation marketing, 24(2), 118-135.
Ladki, S. M., & Bachir, N. A. (2018). The influence of airport services on tourism destination: the case of Beirut international airport. J. Tour. Chall. Trends, 11(2), 111.
Ladki, S. M. (2018). An evaluation of tourists’ experiences in rural Northern West Virginia.
Ladki, S. M., & Mazeh, R. A. (2017). Comparative pricing analysis of Mecca’s religious tourism. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 5(1), 4.
do Valle, P. O., & Assaker, G. (2016). Using partial least squares structural equation modeling in tourism research: A review of past research and recommendations for future applications. Journal of Travel Research, 55(6), 695-708.
Brown, G., Smith, A., & Assaker, G. (2016). Revisiting the host city: An empirical examination of sport involvement, place attachment, event satisfaction and spectator intentions at the London Olympics. Tourism management, 55, 160-172.
El Haddad, R., Hallak, R., & Assaker, G. (2015). Price fairness perceptions and hotel customers’ behavioral intentions. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 21(3), 262-276.
El Haddad, R. (2015). Exploration of revenue management practices–case of an upscale budget hotel chain. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(8), 1791-1813.
Huang, S., Weiler, B., & Assaker, G. (2015). Effects of interpretive guiding outcomes on tourist satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal of Travel Research, 54(3), 344-358.
Assaker, G., & Hallak, R. (2013). Moderating effects of tourists’ novelty-seeking tendencies on destination image, visitor satisfaction, and short-and long-term revisit intentions. Journal of Travel Research, 52(5), 600-613.
Howat, G., & Assaker, G. (2013). The hierarchical effects of perceived quality on perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical results from public, outdoor aquatic centres in Australia. Sport management review, 16(3), 268-284.
Assaker, G., Vinzi, V. E., & O’Connor, P. (2011). Examining the effect of novelty seeking, satisfaction, and destination image on tourists’ return pattern: A two factor, non-linear latent growth model. Tourism management, 32(4), 890-901.