Organizing an Event
Putting together a successful event means paying attention to lots of details. Hit the ground running with these helpful tips.

- Events Calendar: The calendar incorporates events planned on campus, the Office of Student Life, and major academic service dates (mid-terms, exams, professional development week). It is also recommended to contact the Office of Student Life.
- Facilities: Club members who wish to request space at the School of Business, send an email to Ms. Riman Jurdak at least one month prior to the event date.
- Download sample project plan sheet: To plan a successful event , club members should determine their event tasks and timelines by completing an action plan. Please review this sample project plan to get a head start on your planning.
- Catering (send an email to the Department of Hospitality Management and Marketing)
Dean’s Attendance at Club Events and Conferences
Club members who would like the dean to introduce a speaker or attend one of their events, please contact the school and include the following information at least two weeks prior to your event:
- Club name
- Title of the Event
- Purpose of the Event
- Date, Time, Location
- Agenda (including speakers and their titles)
Club members who would like to connect with alumni for panelists or speakers, please complete this form.