AKSOB Experience

Business Computer Center - Beirut

The Business Computer Center, located on the 13th floor of AKSOB Beirut, is designed to provide business students with the latest in computing technology. It is a dual-purpose lab that includes a professor’s desk and a ceiling projector used by business faculty to teach technology classes.

New students learn how to register for courses at LAU’s Business Computer Center.

Computer workstations are available with all the software needed for business courses from accounting to database development. Staff members are available to help students and faculty with hardware and software problems.

The lab is used as:


Business students use latest software and statistical packages such as SPSS, Stata, Thomson Reuters Eikon Database, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project and Microsoft Office.

Hardware resources available to students

In accordance with our established financial planning procedure, the equipment in this lab is upgraded every three years.

Staffing, maintenance

Staff members are available to install, configure, and maintain the latest hardware and software used. MBA graduate assistants are assigned to provide help in the day to day functioning of the computer center.

Business Simulation Lab (BSL)

The BSL is used by faculty and students. Researchers use the BSL to present people with realistic business situations and analyze their behavior in light of not only economic models, but psychological ones as well. Research is carried out in all business fields to test and develop theories that would impact how business models are taught in the future.