Management Students compete for the best business plan
“Phoenicia Travels: Rethinking Mobility” wins the first edition of the student competition “Develop a Business Plan”.

The Management Studies department at the Adnan Kassar School of Business (AKSOB) launched the first Competition among students enrolled in the MGT336 (Developing a Business Plan) course given in Spring 2018. The event was organized by a committee headed by the Management department Chairperson, and included the department’s academic assistant, soft skills course coordinator and instructors, in collaboration with the AKSOB Career Office.
Students were asked to present their business plans in front of a jury of executive representatives from BLC Bank, Onlivery, Injaz and Beirut Digital District. The jury selected the winning team composed of students Ahmed Husain, Ali Baroudy, and Mohamad Khanafer, whose project entitled “Phoenicia Travels: Rethinking Mobility” secured them first place and the opportunity of being matched with accelerators at Beirut Digital District, and tailored head office internships at BLC Bank.
Due to its large success, the department is considering organizing this competition every semester, giving more students exposure and a chance to take it a step further towards achieving their innovative ideas.