General News
- From Banking to the Wine Industry (Mar 06, 2025)
- Trust in Lebanon’s public institutions: a challenge for the new leadership (Feb 05, 2025)
- AKSOB Students Win Top Three HES–USP Excellence Awards (Jan 14, 2025)
- Dr. Hussein Zeaiter Serves on a Doctorate Jury at the University of Montpellier, France (Dec 19, 2024)
- AKSOB Marketing Students Granted Internships at Alvin D’Or (Dec 17, 2024)
- Praise for AKSOB Student’s E-Marketing Project (Dec 17, 2024)
- Metaverse Learning: Pioneering Innovation in Times of Crisis (Dec 04, 2024)
- Cooking Up a Storm for a Good Cause (Nov 29, 2024)
- LAU Faculty Recognized Regionally for Teaching Innovation (Oct 23, 2024)
- Dr. Ali Fakih Presented his Research at a UN Women Workshop (Jul 02, 2024)
- Dr. Leila Dagher has been selected as an expert in a workshop organized by the UNEP and the Arabian Gulf University (Jun 24, 2024)
- Nurturing Leaders, Driving Innovation and Transforming Business Education (May 16, 2024)
- The Department of Economics at LAU Signs an Academic Pathway Agreement with Concordia University (May 14, 2024)
- USAID Community Service Project: Promoting the Significance of Pursuing an Economics Major among Students (Mar 15, 2024)
- Lecture on the Impact of the War in Gaza and Lebanon on the Lebanese Economy (Feb 23, 2024)
- LAU Entrepreneurs Ready to Tackle the Business Market (Jan 17, 2024)
- Marketing Students Rewarded With Internships (Dec 18, 2023)
- Dr. Hassan Sherry participated as a discussant on a panel entitled “The Lebanese Economy in its Second Century” (Dec 06, 2023)
- LAU Still Top Nationwide in Business/Economics and Social Sciences (Nov 01, 2023)
- Trading Room Opens Up New Hands-On Experience for Business Students (Jul 27, 2023)
- The Role of Social Spending and Financial Inclusion in Fostering Inclusive Economic Growth in the MENA Region (Jun 15, 2023)
- Assessing the Progress of Arab States Toward the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Social Expenditures (Apr 12, 2023)
- LAU’s Vertically Integrated Project Wins Major International Consortium Awards (Jun 08, 2022)
- Monthly Briefing from the Dean to AKSOB Alumni (Apr 19, 2022)
- QS Ranks LAU Among Top Universities Worldwide in Three Subjects (Apr 14, 2022)
- LAU and Boise State University Collaborate on Virtual Exchange Program (Jan 10, 2022)
- AKSOB’s Business and Economics Programs Take the Lead, Again (Oct 26, 2021)
- Port of Beirut Blast: How People’s Subjective Experiences of the Trauma Differ (Aug 11, 2021)
- AKSOB Reaccredited by Prestigious AACSB International (Jul 02, 2021)
- LAU Further Boosts Strategic Pillar to Move Beyond Borders (Apr 07, 2021)
- AKSOB’s Hospitality and Tourism Management Department First in the Region to Gain ACPHA Accreditation (Mar 17, 2021)
- Bringing in Renowned Speakers to Deepen AKSOB Students’ Learning Experience (Jan 13, 2021)
- LAU’s AKSOB Ranked First in the Top 25 percent Institutions and Economists in Lebanon (Dec 22, 2020)
- AKSOB’s Business and Economics Programs Ranked First in Lebanon by the Times Higher Education (Nov 02, 2020)
- AKSOB Faculty Talk International Funds and Economic Reform after Beirut’s Blast (Oct 06, 2020)
- The True Public Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lebanon (Sep 04, 2020)
- AKSOB’s EMBA Online Experience: Sharing Thoughts (Jul 23, 2020)
- SAP Dual Study Program Boosts Career Prospects for LAU Students (May 19, 2020)
- AKSOB’s Business and Management Programs Ranked by QS, Again (Apr 24, 2020)
- HR Data Analytics: The Key to Strategic Business Decisions (Mar 20, 2020)
- Honoring Lebanon’s Hospitality Industry Leaders (Jul 10, 2019)
- The Impact of New Technologies on Sustainability and Innovations (May 08, 2019)
- LAU Signs MOU with the International Center for the Education of Islamic Finance in Malaysia (May 01, 2019)
- How to Survive in the Age of Automation (Apr 25, 2019)
- AKSOB Programs Ranked by QS (Feb 27, 2019)
- EMBA Graduates Credit the Degree for Their Success (Dec 12, 2018)
- Harvard Course for MBA and EMBA Students (Nov 27, 2018)
- Collaboration Announced Between LAU and L’Oréal (Sep 04, 2018)
- Collaboration Announced Between LAU and L’Oréal (Aug 30, 2018)
- New Harvard Course for MBA and EMBA Students (Jul 26, 2018)
- “The future of hospitality is in Asia” (May 03, 2018)
- L’Oreal Head of Trade Marketing Manager Gives a Knockout Presentation to EMBA Students (Feb 03, 2018)
- The AKSOB Family Gets Into The Christmas Spirit (Dec 15, 2017)
- Breaking Data Elitism in the Arab Region: The Role of the Arab Development Portal (Nov 29, 2017)
- A talk by Mrs. Dagmar Symes, the General Manager of Phoenicia Beirut and Le Vendôme InterContinental Hotels (Nov 21, 2017)
- LAU Team Wins Regional Finals of L’Oréal Brandstorm 2017 (May 12, 2017)
- Marriott Corporation Conference (Apr 18, 2017)
- LAU Forum Analyzes Challenges and Trends in Human Resource Management (Apr 10, 2017)
- Working Together to Strengthen Lebanon’s Vital Family Businesses (Mar 30, 2017)
- MBA Alumnus Introduces Lebanese Civil Society Work at Davos Forum (Feb 03, 2017)
- Three Winners in Stock Exchange Competition (Feb 01, 2017)
- Newsweek Europe Cites LAU AKSOB as Leading B-school in Lebanon in Latest Issue (Jan 12, 2017)
- Fostering Leadership Development (Jan 09, 2017)
- LAU Faculty Research Gets International Recognition (Dec 14, 2016)
- LAU to Get a Center for Innovation (Dec 09, 2016)
- Acknowledging a Leader’s Contribution to Business and Education (Dec 01, 2016)
- When Business Supports Education (Nov 08, 2016)
- LAU Signs Student Exchange Agreement with University of Chicago (Oct 27, 2016)
- LAU Alumnus announced as Head of Pan-Arab Daily (Oct 13, 2016)
- LAU Gains Recognition in International Internal Audit Event (Oct 11, 2016)
- The Lebanese Diaspora Lends a Helping Hand (Sep 30, 2016)
- LAU’s Study Abroad Program: A Learning Opportunity for All (Sep 02, 2016)
- LAU, Building Capacity Among the Youth (Aug 18, 2016)
- The Role of Higher Education in Supporting Volunteerism (Jul 01, 2016)
- Ethics and Knowledge, Weapons of LAU’s Graduates (Jun 13, 2016)
- AACSB Annual Conference for Europe, Middle East and Africa (Jun 07, 2016)
- EMBA Alumni Celebrate AACSB Accreditation (May 27, 2016)
- Congratulations to the Adnan Kassar School of Business (May 10, 2016)
- LAU showcased at Wharton School of Business MENA Conference (Apr 28, 2016)
- The Spirit of Service Lives on at LAU (Apr 26, 2016)
- Adnan Kassar School of Business Gains AACSB Accreditation (Apr 24, 2016)
- The School Welcomes the AACSB Peer Review Team (Mar 18, 2016)
- Delving Into the Minds and Opportunities of Arab Youth (Feb 03, 2016)
- Celebrating a Leader’s Commitment to Education (Dec 22, 2015)
- All About Business in New York (Sep 11, 2015)
- Giving Back to the Community (Jul 24, 2015)
- Business Advisory Board Meeting (May 13, 2015)
- Our Students Are Winners in the “Concours des Écoles Hôtelières 2015” (May 08, 2015)
- Preparing for Future Marketing Strategists (May 07, 2015)
- LAU Reveals “Adnan Kassar School of Business” (Apr 22, 2015)
- Researching Youth and the Arab Spring (May 07, 2014)
- Running for a cause (Jan 29, 2014)
- LAU unveils Executive Center at Solidere (Sep 12, 2013)
- Hands-On Learning at Business Competition (Jun 18, 2013)
- Economic Statecraft (Feb 25, 2013)
- Taking LAU Expertise Beyond the Classroom (Feb 06, 2013)
- A Globalized Lingua Franca (Dec 19, 2012)
- Young Enterprise (Dec 19, 2012)